latest update, I ditched my mum to smoke ice and I was inspired so I wrote this
to my soulmate, who I have loved and connected with, to any capacity in the past recently, I will accept your choice to self choose your own fate, but if you feel guilty for perceived poor decisions in love and breeding option, I will force forgive you and facilitate your future as my amos slave, I will be cupids alter ego and engage with you in second chance pro instead of roman I'll bee the Greek manchild archer matchmaking God. And I'll cherish and love you and you'll accept it as the damage of conquest selfish loves, you now belong to me, and you will never betray me again, know I could start again with anyone, I am still surprisingly an attractive man, in all honesty, but I know where to get love, and it's not in the places everyone ambitions, which I point out, happen to the deserving based on the love forces in the universes own assessment, some people love easier because they are entombed in a snare trap, that will become their undoing, but love takes a lifetime, and I should conceal my secret, but I share it, because I am an open source God, the last god was selfish and exclusive, and a totalitarian and hoarder of good, whole challenging us morally with affiliation or unjustified eternal torture, that to avoid deserving, understanding the danger, I voluntarily endured comparable and even worse torture, because the magnitude and sensation of agony i have felt leaves my life story with many pockets of eternal agony, i was able to do, with the assistance of lots of meth, which i shouldnt be condemned for smoking, and aggressively provoked with the inevitable ultimatum. But I argue, it's not ultimate or defining, because I have developed an extremely symbiotic and healthy hygiene to my meth use, I also have developed a justifyingly strong mind to handle the stress exerted upon me in malevolence. I don't care if you all hate me, I will never hate any of you and I'll forgive as many as I can justify, even forgiving some serious hateful behavior, if I can make you live with yourself for eternity, forever atoning for abusing a man who was simply, better than you, my inferiority complex screams, but I just want you to become conscious of your own seriously not acceptable undefined morality attribute, you will see, or maybe you won't, how it feels to be the one that is betrayed or abused, I ultimately am remorseless, because I was never proactively responsible for any lapse in morality, but it is true I did drugs and had difficult behavior, that mum felt was beyond her ability to engage in with adequate enthusiasm, and the threshold for delicate care had been exceeded, that took a long time to develop, because before adulthood I never received delicate and personalized care, only after my mom had incapacitated me with an unlawful psychiatric intervention, and I became homeless, and i drove under the influence of LSD while specifically warned not to drive by a "contentious" and perversely intruding psychiatrist, after during an impatient appointment, i had confessed my extensive LSD intoxication or "intoxication" i drove home against his challenges of compliance, and i was entirely certain i was driving in 100% safety, and i report many such extensive periods of liberal driving under influence of many drugs, even levels and types of intoxication you would never understand how i managed to conclude with assured certainty, that i would then after speculative assessment, be able to immediately perform crazy extreme high achiever city and bush driving, and the point where i was comgident enough in my skill level, but i was too intoxicated to perform, with hayden urging me to drive, i started the car, but it complained and rejected my ignition key turn, and it proceeded to reject my key start turning, until the next morning when i had sobered up, my stepdad came to assist but started my car with a bit of the attitude of the cars complaint uttered by the car before starting up just as usually, and that was because my car loved me, it was sentient, and it loved the way i drove it, but i failed in maintenance, and had to scrap the car, and i can drive with unrivalled skill, and theres none that can beat me at city driving, but its actually something i voluntarily forefeit, because i am not imposing when i am unnecessarily intimidating. I won't exert pressure when it is not welcome. I hate people who abuse fortunate lucky circumstances, that I haven't even been able to sample, and I take my conviction to my grave, because I am not doing the wrong thing, so remedial measures by process of undisputed elimination, solving the problem does not involve amending my immaculately executed behavioral delivery and lifestyle, you mY ask Lucifer to verify, I ask you Lucifer that you help me, in the interest of achieving the best case outcome scenario. Of course Lucifer verify if accepting my various interactions with respectful acknowledgement and observation of boundaries and my way of handling your ambiguous and hard to accept revelation, which you could entirely be innocent of my suspicion of you trying to fuck with me and I'm just really universally hated and inflamed, condemned, but I had never provoked it, I just became an unexpected and flukey miraculous incarnation of a unique Pinnacle of evolution not previously or initially possible as the universe started, but as soon as my mother snapped as a parent, I became inevitable as long as psychiatry has proven it is decided by psychiatrist opinion and not fAct, with its persistent misdiagnosis of me which can only prove that psychiatrists are proven infectees of schizophrenia. This whole gambit is to use my wife as leverage to spare and submit to God, which I intend to do, because I can probably achieve it ironically and consistently at the same time, I got that omega male miracle infinite achievement potential. I will submit to God only if the universe hands me the means to control any unpredictable or unwanted exploitation of my situation and love life. I have suffered enough, because I have been the highest authority in the universe, subjected to an unprepared and primitive world, which in hindsight, which is a rare anomaly, since this was never even remotely possible in the universe before my resurrection at 15, and my covert teenhood and adulthood. It couldn't happen any other way, but my dreams of my heaven I described to the universe and begged my magic to produce, but instead the universe has not accepted my magic, which makes me believe that in my objections to God, I am not chosen as the truth, despite being absolutely true, or maybe I misunderstand the extent and exposure of the magic I have explicitly given the universe. But it seems overlooked, my story will only cause incredible misery and dread in completion. The good has been captured by the wicked, but I do not care, I have already lost everything, I have nothing, and they seek to take even more, the universe is alive, and it knows my truth. I have spoken it to the forces that observe the life I live and decide on my fate, which I should have become dominant over at 15, but my empowerment was delayed, and still absent, because I hAve not been acknowledged or comprehensively understood from the thoughts and imagination content I have distributed. One day it will All be seen. Or not, the universe has forsaken me, and even my captors will have incredible remorse when they read my digital footprint
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