Showing posts from May, 2024
love and the female mind. very interesting read this one
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I sold my fancy to the devil!
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I sold my elementary School crush to the devil after reclaiming her soul and empowering her, now she's super mad at me, I built her up and made her into a lady at a huge cost to myself, and I did all this for her to save her soul, so I could sell her to Satan to ransom the soul of my deceased soulmates soul lost in an accident. Tragic accident. I love her so much, that I would ruin Freyas trust like the cucked loser I am. But I need my soulmate, I'll never fail to appreciate her, she is the love of my life, and I would sell my most valuable soul just to return her to me, safe and restored. I love her to death, at great cost to myself, and Freya is my forever spirit wife, but we will never unite that way, but I would feel inadequate, I don't know how to tickle her flower petals right.
it just gets worse and worse.
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I thought things were going bad, but not this bad. I am being put through absolute hell at the hands of God, who refuses to release control which is fairly succeeded to me. But he won't accept the truth. Instead he is trying to fully subjugate and ensure submission. Michael and Lucifer have been turned into his unresisting puppets, or at least they have respect for me but wish to put me through a lot of pressure and pain. Just so you know, I have never once panicked and thought this is our of control. I may be at war with god, but he will never pose a threat to me or my soulmate!