get these apps:

Be careful not to click the popup ads that fucking come up when you click the download, and only download it if it says newpipe.apk or vanced manager.apk or some variation. What you need to look for is the ".APK"

You'll find them on their websites on your search engine, not on the app store.

For: SoundCloud, YouTube and bandcamp free streaming (no ads)

Free yt music and YouTube (no ads)
Any of the pre patched tiktok, Tumblr, etc, apps with no ads.
The triangle version of revanced (there are 3 options, classic, manual and like some other useless version, but they are titled differently) let's you manually patch and reinstall any app on your android, such as Facebook, and manually remove the ads from the app, and improve it for you. You can use this one to patch your phones inbuilt yt music app, but not YouTube regular typically. I'll do an ethical hacker iPhone hack page too later on, because I don't have it with me yet, but there is so much more support for hacked apps on it that I've found and I'll share it.


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