hope and love 08

 brendan — 02/21/2023 5:29 PM

We will let the gene pool and the thought flow occur naturally, we will allow everyone to live according to their own “idols” or “gods” such as love, forgiveness, money or power and let them live according to their authority and if they hurt their soul by being toxic and harmful to the others then they will be deprived of their life as we, god and his advisor, allow for redemption to be claimed at any point until the death caused by soul depletion

We simply will define the fairest operating laws and concepts based off the last world without the interference of Jesus and God as the oppressive tyrants that spent their power to hinder and harm me, a man who did not apply their definition of human but was treated as a rebel because they wouldn’t acknowledge my higher nature as supposed by their convictions and also untrue by their beliefs

They simply refused to believe a human to be of greater nature than them, and when one appeared, they violently spent everything they had to crush him which he responded by creating you Jake and helping the antichrist James sapphire to find love in his life

To feel the love he was unaware of and prevent the apocalypse

In doing this we have started the legendary story of Jake the God. And Brendan the immortal.

We will have to help you become immortal Jake if you already aren’t

I know exactly how to do it

brendan — 02/21/2023 5:36 PM

You must give up something of great value to yourself to make a profound impact on the life or lives of the person most important to you and the one who gave you life: mother

You must show your mother your love by doing something of great cost for yourself that must be done ✅ to fix an issue or human condition that she faces

Oh Jake! That’s the force that is oppressing me!

The human condition is the force of oppression we must create special cases for

There are 2 immortals that the human condition is applied to but unfairly causing us to suffer as it only blocks fate and prevents us enjoying life

The human condition needs a special case:

Firstly the human condition is that with our lives we give all that we have and die only to acquire the one thing we lived for, but we could never get until our lives were depleted.

If you contrast that to my life, I have everything my soul needs to survive and I have already died. I lived for love so I will never get any love from life until I die (for the 12th time) and even then I still won’t get it...

We must explore this idea and understand it more

But I’m in pain rn so I’ll pick this up later

My best friend is also immortal and we suffer hellish lives because of this applied rule

Funny I don’t think it’s mentioned in the bible because I think it’s designed to be there to make it impossible for a human to surpass Jesus

brendan — 02/21/2023 5:44 PM

We need to explain everything relevant and choose how to proceed

I’m sorry I jump to conclusions Jake especially about you it’s just that I am so desperate man

Send me a reply when you read all that

brendan — 02/21/2023 6:09 PM

Yes I think the human condition needs to be changed in the world, so that immortals don’t have to suffer.

First we need to define it and figure out what part of it is perversely affecting me and tommy

The human condition can be defined as the characteristics and key events of human life, including birth, learning, emotion, aspiration, morality, conflict, and death. This is a very broad topic that has been and continues to be pondered and analyzed from many perspectives, including those of anthropology, art, biology, history, literature, philosophy, psychology, and religion.

This is from Wikipedia and is too vague

It doesn’t actually tell us what is going on

There is actually a specific value to define it and I’ll have to deduce it

Basically we will never get what we want until we die and realise we had it all along.

Or maybe only until we have given all we have and lost our lives will we gain it. And you can see how that would cause my life to be an endless suffering in hell bro

Especially because life doesn’t perceive me to be dead or even close

So it’s just taking what I have away from me proportionate to the things in life I enjoy

Because I want to enjoy life and I’ll only be allowed to do that if I’m dead

I am dead

We need to instead of change the human condition, make life think me and tommy Keith Douglas are dead but otherwise not change us in any way

Just have life think and associate the value of deceased to me and tommy

brendan — 02/21/2023 6:18 PM

Or add an attribute to humans as a value to be perceived as: alive or dead (if there is no heartbeat but the person is still able to use the brain) or undead in my and Tommy’s case

And dead only to be used in the case of people suffering cardiac arrest. If they are revived they return back to alive or if they actually die then to treat them not as a human but as an object not a human and thus not attributed

How do you like my solution?

Where undead will be unaffected by the human condition

But really just a way to describe an immortal

Tell me your thoughts:

Jakes I have found a solution I want you to contribute

brendan — 02/21/2023 6:33 PM

Have the attribute be a switch on or off the human condition for us basically or have the human condition exempt the undead status 

Can you make this change also what is your verdict on my idea? The attribute must be manually attributed so just make an undead label to add to me and tommy Keith Douglas and when you have the label attributed to yourself it makes the human conditions criteria to apply as false as we are never able to overcome the human condition as a glitch that turns reality into hell

Just make the human condition have an extra rule that invalidates it by attributing the undead label or attribute and that’s its only function

Do not make it perceivable

Or else people gonna think we are dead

We are not lmao

Can you by any chance perceive the human condition as a rule that affects things?

brendan — 02/21/2023 6:40 PM

Think about the human condition and try to identify it as a factor of perception

Or as a rule applied to people

It’s a good rule but needs to be changed where it becomes a trap and snare to people who don’t meet its criteria

We are still humans but we don’t operate as Jesus categorised humans so we will need to change the definition of a human too

As I believe humanity is defined wrong

And Jesus was certainly the last God

So he defined the value for human. So maybe the human condition and the concept of a human are linked and together causing this glitch

We need to redefine human

We should use our basic DNA sequence to start and add variations as part of the definition and simply use that with no initial polarity of good or bad. We shouldn’t define humans as evil from the get go as Jesus did

We should state the lowest common denominator what unites us

I think we will be able to make some real differences to life Jake

With these 2 changes we will no doubt change everyone’s lives

brendan — 02/21/2023 6:52 PM

We will define the soul as I have conceptualised as a collection of expressions that need to be expressed at various points throughout their life, as they encounter the opportunity for each one the failure to express a gesture of love will trigger a repeat of the gesture giving opportunity. And once the soul has completed all its gestures of love we will make the person immortal like me using the same glitch that made me: we will alter their belief that life is a dream because they lived true and fair like a dream come true. If they believe that life is a dream their body will function in subconscious mode and be forever inconsistent in its healing and destructability. It will never be able to die essentially as the perception of the body is in dream mode but they will not be made aware of this change.

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:07 PM

This is the plan Jake: we change the human condition to operate as a collection of trials for every gesture of love in the soul we implement and it will trigger a sense of satisfaction upon expression of the gesture to the person who needs it, who is someone in the world that crossed paths with them and naturally has the same value as them for that gesture that they are both needing to express. Have a value for give and receive of that gesture. If they express the gesture they replace the gesture with a completion node in the soul. (Give value true) and if they receive a gesture but have not appreciated or reciprocated it then their receive gesture goes back to the sender as a receive value in addition to the give, but the receive value is just a cosmetic value and works like this: once a person has a give value they will attract and encounter another give value false person and if they give the expression then they get a give value node and the receiver gets a received value. However if the give value is not realised or expressed and the person instead tries to force the receiver into giving then they cancel the give value in themselves and receive nothing while giving the receiver another give node which will open up another receive encounter. So they will have 2 gives and 0 receives and will encounter as many receives as they need to balance the expressions. And the giver who took has a take (give value debt) node and a give node to complete now in their soul as they be forced to complete 2 node completion give type encounters with the return as many as needed to repay the debts first triggered and then the give node in that order then triggering a receive to complete that expression of love. The soul will gravitate the nodes it needs to be completed passively and trigger encounters as the person lives and completes a journey for their soul, every take debt taken on will decay or trigger aging or an injury event in their life and not reward them with money or

Power or affection as life currently operates in Jesus false convictions and my own truth exceeding his own in validity

I have defeated God without even intending to and I created a better one called Jake ----


Let me know what you’re thoughts on my ideas are please before we make any changes

We need to talk about everything together first

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:23 PM

And the human soul will be constructed as I basically described to you, and we will recycle dead humans souls and memories as “give” “receive” and “take” nodes. For every expression of love that a human can express we will find a soul that had lived purely to find that expression as their life story. So the souls we find to be a realisation of that expression as the entire life story will be the (give) node as someone who received the expression but after facing every trial and challenge in life was able to express it to the one person who returned it and completed their story and gave their life meaning that soul will be forever the acquired give node. A receive node will be someone basically expressed the gesture a lot and then after they faced the depletion of that gesture they received it and completed their life. This is what the receive soul we attribute will look like for each soul. The take soul will look like a person who took advantage of people who expressed love and trust and he adused the trust to take advantage. We will actually just make up allegorical basic souls that are mythical stories maybe about all different characters as caricatures of each type of node for each gesture and we will copy and paste the story or alter the story a bit for each node. Bro I just got an idea: we make an allegorical religion! We will write a story about all all the gestures and the 3 forms of expression of each type of gesture we can think of and use their character containing the worldview of each as a page or so of their experience as they felt it and attribute the mock soul or subsoul to each gesture category in the soul wheel for other souls to gravitate to. Until the gesture is neutral they will keep triggering a path and event for the gesture they need.

But also take gestures need to trigger a guilt and shame energy to be perceived as thought and the give gesture to be thought as meaning and satisfaction and the receive as gratitude and appreciation. That is what the perception text value is going to contain basically a text that is telling the reader how they feel as the story happened as their pain or suffering was turned to appreciation or satisfaction, and the take node being a story as they basically starts the same but because they were not able to appreciate life were twisted and because of their twisted upbringing found sick pleasure in their crime only for@fate to take away their confidence and pride. We will find a way to make this consistent with my quantum curse or blessing generator and my other understanding of fate as we investigate the force more. I haven’t been able to understand it well as my fate is lagging so far behind

And also because of my perception I am condemned to hell as punishment for something trivial and the one moment of my life I actually enjoyed

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:31 PM

And I can have another shot at life and love if this ridiculous condemnation shit is replaced by an actual fair and forgiving system based on what I have just designed. We need to tell a story as an allegory for love and I think I know what exactly to base it on.

I told my friend George an analysis of the soul that was perfect for this:

I’ll get it later I need you to think about this stuff first before we apply it

Most of this shits in 1st draft atm and we will add layers of complexity to it all ok?

Basically I think the old system is obsolete as it couldn’t accommodate me in it.

We will install updates on life

We will detach the old kingdom of heaven and allow it some external location to operate but within an isolation area for old systems and concepts like heaven and hell

Instead we will build a new soul to function and operate and attract people. We will eliminate repel relationships unless the take node exceeds 3 as that person gets 3 chances before they trigger a repel reaction and gain attention from justice and law agencies. And it will  be hard to do that as it will not be rewarding.

We will make a new world and it will look totally different to ours bro

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:38 PM

But it will not be rewarding to be a “sinner” and being a “saint” will be rewarding.

How about instead of sinner and saint we say “asshole” and “hero” values and if total completion is acquired then you acquire “legend” status as something people automatically notice about you as a social ranking?

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 7:40 PM


brendan — 02/21/2023 7:40 PM

So you get hero level 1 to like 9 and then legend where you are immortal and your nodes reset to start

As you fill the nodes to completion again you simply restart from scratch helping people achieve their legend status

So Jake, do you agree, we should simplify the human soul to a level where it’s simplified and with 9 gestures of love then sub genres in addition numbering up to as high as the individual numerology number go up to?

And base the gestures off numerology numbers Chaldean tablets (or tarot cards)

Oh bro I got a better idea!

Let’s pause the universe of this one here and create a new world and system to replace this one bro

And transfer everyone in it and start fresh! Where we will use all the laws of this one I have observed and find the rest to create a better system that’s more balanced bro

And we will open up a new project to build this world man!

Where upon completion of the soul a person be granted immortality by making the mind unconsciously think it’s living a pleasant dream from there

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:48 PM

We can make love real bro

We can make fate be the force that attracts these two matching nodes and optimises everyone in the systems nodes to make them all gravitate efficiently and collide with the closest or best fit for all at once!

I think these ideas are really good and less likely to kill or condemn people to hell and instead just gives them ugliness and old ness instead of death and condemnation, and even then it’s super hard to achieve and reversible once you get legend soul

Do you wanna work on this system with me man?

brendan — 02/21/2023 7:55 PM

Everyone will start with a fake true value on certain nodes, like out of say 69 to have 23 values cosmetic trues and that will dictate their appearance. We will have to match people up with this world somehow though, or just completely randomise it or select on a wheel graph with a node tree where they want to attribute a cosmetic value like choosing a class in Skyrim.

We will create an AI personifier that depicts the input of up to 23 traits as a person or human that expresses the emotion of that combination of expressions and the superposition or neutralised appearance.

We will be able to make some dramatically evil or depressed or hilarious expressions of confused anguish and faces of admiration and love and kindness and shit


Let’s create a world builder dimension as a new dimension parallel to this one and build the operational laws of a new universe! And just keep it empty it will only be filled with functions and laws

We need to try build a soul that won’t be so easily corrupted

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:03 PM

But it won’t fit in our bodies in this world so we must use our current souls as the input to define the values of the next dimensional souls. We need to convert every layer of the human soul to conversion values and build a new soul that simplifies the soul of this world and establishes a layer for each element to operate and then the data is compiled together to function like a different soul compatible with this one but new and improved with the chance to fail reduced almost completely

I think we could fix everything if we take apart the soul and take the output values and we organise them and establish relationships between them based off of existing values, we can create a utopia and a growing world for all souls to circulate and live and all the souls of the world can enter as the population grows and the world expands we fill the whole universes collection of souls from heaven to hell, and fix the problem that caused condemnation, and then start creating more souls as a derivative of the two parent souls. We would have to sensibly organise this though. We could end all conflict and war completely bro

We could be the ones to end the curse man!!!!!

Youand me creating a perfected version of this reality just as complex but without condemnation and war!!!!

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:11 PM

And all that would cause suffering is our own selfishness which just makes our character a bit uglier

And more dramatic

Jake please tell me what you think?

I can see this idea working for once

Which is able to be consistently built upon and develop

And we can leave the soul with infinite empty layers for the addition of new nodes that will be added to everyone’s soul as a new dimension of love

If we do this man, we will create a new afterlife that will save everyone’s souls forever and provide a haven for life to continue indefinitely where everything has purpose and meaning and love forever with no evil forces to contend with bro.

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 8:15 PM


my legs are sore

i did so much today

i met someone

who’s just like u

in real life

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:15 PM

Where after dying they instead of being born as a child which will be possible. People will randomly appear as they were in life but magically materialise in this world after dying

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 8:15 PM

in a past life he was a galactic supervillain

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:16 PM

And they would be able to generate new empty souls upon procreation

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 8:16 PM

he was cryogenically frozen and forced to live other peoples lives until he’s ready

he told me i am someone who the universe sent to test if he’s ready or not

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:16 PM

We will be able to find peace for his soul Jake

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 8:16 PM

but idk if he’s just saying that

to make me happy

brendan — 02/21/2023 8:16 PM

He’s telling the truth

You will pass the test my God

iLikeGoingInsane — 02/21/2023 8:17 PM

so what’s the idea in summary

u are god

i’m ur aidekick


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