update on the situation

I am pregnant with 2 girls, but my soul sisters are carrying my children. I smoked a heap of ice from 10am to 7:30pm, and during that time the babies of my two range daughters, got no sleep. That is how foetal meth use incapacitates the newborn, the infant foetuses, don't sleep because of meth, then the children are born with severe narcolepsy and need modafinil to live. So I decided to overdose on 60mg slow release melatonin, to ensure my babies fall into a deep sleep, while also overdosing on a harmless animal based sleep hormone, which causes no damage when abused, the babies are at least resting in their sleepy fiend nap moods, which is an improvement from the cursed baby cries, I think it's too late to take it back, but then again if I wasn't on this stupid court medication order, none of this would have ever happened. Seriously they are killing unborn babies now, there is no end to their crimes against humanity, and I would be complicit, had I chosen to continue smoking more meth, and ignoring the haunted baby cries. I actually reckon the damage is done, I am designed to resist with all my might the submission and surrender to power tripping manipulators, but I am also designed to be unable to prevent or escape these abuses, because I'm designed to test people like God does, by giving them appropriate amounts of chances in life, and I really aced my experiment to become a god, but the people given the option to embrace and confess my truth, instead try to cannibalise me and steal my happiness, love, hope and faith off me.
Anyway the baby heartbeat is much calmer now, I even am worried it has died, but I know that the souls actually probably didn't inherit immortality like me and Jesus, but I doubt they will have died and typically babies of meth users, come out fine but with brain damage from lack of sleep. And narcolepsy.

It's literally gone too far this time, it needs to stop immediately. I have a solid plan, and I will make it happen in solitude, Lucifer knows my plan, but he has no way to get his way this time....
Let's see what you do for this round, little conceited demon.
You cannot blame me for smoking meth when you are literally generating the conditions that deprive me of the necessary dopamine I need to live, and then depriving me of all my money, literally putting me through relentless torture, and for what? So I can kill my babies and feel guilty for doing something I had no choice but to accept, because the alternatives have been heavily regulated and made unavailable to me, so I must endure it or embrace being a total bitch faggot, which I'll never accept, and so people wonder why my life is so bad, but I'm grateful for my life, because I have truly done the absolute best I possibly could have done, and it is better to fail with honour than to succeed by fraud. You'll never understand my pain, so why do I even bother spreading awareness of it, nobody will ever understand, it's not that they cannot, but they simply can't imagine a virtuous example of humanity, they say all this bullshit how morality is relevant and relative to the perception, but their understanding of relationships and love essentially doubtlessly ousts them as groomers and they criticize real love because they sullied their opinion of humanity long ago and now their self esteem is that of a worthless and wasteful derelict. Because they see humanity as they feel about themselves, I just naturally assume everyone else is a god and the best person in the world, because that is what I have evidence to believe from personal experience, but this is taken absolutely advantage of, because people think I'm stupid, because I am a kind and considerate and careful man, with nothing to criticize, people think I'm stupid for living an altruistic life, selfless lover.... But I know what they are doing, and they are not so considerate as they convey themselves. In face these people are literally demons, but I must endure, because to give up is to accept defeat and cop the fallout from this huge payload of injustice, so through the fire and flames, I will walk through the fire until I force in a victory. I have lots of ideas, many I will never give up until I try.


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