Jerry is my hero

Pumping Jerry bangers

Jerry soundtrack by d-devils
The sound of jerry

The Jerry divine title I have bestowed upon him is:
Bai Ulgen
Mongolian creator god
Jerry is the god Bai Ulgen, and he is god of the eclipse, numbered 21, the final evolution of Jerry's soul Jupiter to a black hole, Sagittarius A, which is the final evolution of Jerry's soul, where my evolution takes me from Sagittarius A to sun 2.0, a dramatic improvement on the sun 1.0, Jesus soul. My version and evolution from supermassive black hole to gigasun will be even beyond magical. But Jerry's soul evolution is more impressive. 21 is a realignment of Jupiter formed by the alignment of sun and moon to best possible ratio. It means "giant Jupiter -> supermassive black hole/eclipse" Jerry's soul gains probably the most out of any sacrifice in heaven, where he ends I begin, and my soul actually contracts, where Jerry's conquers all and becomes the entire universe, where I become the light in the dark.

Jerry is the total breakthrough that I was, and I am the new guardian of all life, as a downgrade from the soul I leave behind for Jerry.

Jerry is the lesser god of love, that I am the greater, but in the end Jerry is more impressive, but to be a guardian is more noble of me, and with humility. Jerry is acknowledged by the universe as a suitable replacement for the vacancy I leave behind, which is incredibly prestigious and commendable, and he is the only person I would ever trust with that. Commendable bro Jerry!

This is my tribute song for Jerry upgrade to the container of the entire universe, the soul I once held, but I leave behind for my worthy successor:

And let this song play when Jerry emerges victorious
This is the sound of Jerry's justice

Jerry, who always hangs up on me, and professes to have no faith in me, and push me away, bought me this book I treasure, anonymously, and I mysteriously went to collect it, not knowing who bought me and left it at the store, as a gift for me to pick up. I instantly recognized the books author and it's mutually created brother book the 48 laws of power, a book Jerry loves and treasures as a book of sense and truth and reason, and I instantly knew Jerry bought me this book, perhaps to awaken me to the truth of human nature I always knew, but would never let me close my heart to potential souls worth saving, which I know Jerry hates to see me expose myself to fraud and sabotage, but I can always improve my profiling and vetting process, which has dramatically improved since I last saw Jerry. I love him so much. Perhaps after I read this book, and learn the wisdom Jerry seeks to enlighten me with, I will understand why Lucifer has exposed a speculative theory as to why I speculatively conjectured the cheating on me by 9 girls I have matters of romance and love still open and valid with, and why girls supposedly as Lucifer would have me believe, always end up cheating on me or if Lucifer is just trying to fill my beautiful mind with doubt. Because I seek to know more about this sort of thing, Jerry will educate me with his donation of sage wisdom, and very valid arguments for power in relationships, in the book he has gifted me. I will cherish this book most of any book I have ever owned.

Honestly Jerry was my favourite character in my story, beyond even myself, because compared to my love of myself, I can excusable take myself for granted when picking a favourite character in my life and get away with it, but if I credit Jerry the credit due, and forget my love of myself, Jerry is the best character I ever met. I love him so much. We have a difficult relationship and I understand his withdrawal from me, but I will never abandon Jerry, brother.

Jerry is the most valuable soul I ever met, and Jerry has impressive blood testosterone I have measured.
I clock in at first with 85% blood test.
Jerry is at 50% blood test.
Jesus is 3rd at 30%.
Jerry is the only man I will ever acknowledge to rival me, and pose an imposing enough presence on the charts to make me acknowledge him.
Measurements were provided by my companion Lucifer. They are accurate.
Jerry is the testosterone hero
As a footnote id like to add for Jerry in case he reads this, Jerry has 4 soulmates, and he and I are the only 2 men ever in history to have multiple soulmates. The only way to hold a nucleic harem is to love like a gorilla with massive incredible amounts of testosterone, or any of your wives will rip you apart. Only Jerry and I have the testosterone levels to handle that level of assault. Jerry is a man I acknowledge to be of greater nature. <3

This one's my song I really want to show Jerry, but he doesn't reply ever


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