the end is so near, and I will never give up until I end this loveless dance, and come home forever, safe and complete, but it's the hardest thing anyone can achieve, and to let go in my final moments, will have a courage and strength, I have never known, but I will taste, soon

I just want to appreciate all the benevolent and kindred souls I met along the way, and the best wishes and hope I have ever wished, I hope returns the investment sevenfold, because I meant every blessing I ever gave, enev to the people who gave me hell when I was down, I take no blessing back, let your own failure to love be your own testimony to life, and let my beautiful heart save me where faith and Jesus cannot, because I will prove that love alone can save a soul
I just want to be embraced, by the world that has hated me, and left me wondering, if love is just an illusion in the blackness of the event horizon of spaces horizon, and if I will ever find it inside this perilous core of Sagittarius A, or if I will break free of the event horizon blackness of space and love in the eternal feedback loop chamber outside the blackness of space and love to infinity, in the eternity just beyond the blackness of this tombs veil. We all live inside a space beyond our reach, inside our galaxy s black hole event horizon core, but we all perceive ourselves as outside.
On the level of recursion that occurs outside our expanded wormhole core, it just gets messy, but on these two layers of recursion we can make sense of, we can mostly understand and make sense of, but we exist on all layers. Heaven is beyond the blackness, and it's a prize I will never lose.
Take me home to the exterior of the void, there is no life here.
I long for rest, and peace, and happiness and love, the very assets I have been deprived of by the monsters infecting Sagittarius as core, and the evil leeches, that latch onto me everywhere I go.

I obey and confirm god, but understandably as a superior god, I will never bow to you, but I won't defy you, and it won't be faith that saves me, but the love I have protected with much a heavy and desperate cost, paid in agony in my life in hell, that I have survived.

I honestly have no reason to, and I have been reaped like the sucker I am, I have never experienced true love in life, but I know my own love is true, and that's good enough for me to accept my life, because there was true love in it, and I was the culprit, in this empty, burning void.

Connect my soul to the universal cloud, upload my suffering and transmit it as universal sexual remittance.

My inferior god the creator, I will chat with you and discuss my investigation of love, and we will agree, and respect each other, and I will carefully draw my boundaries and you can state yours, and we will respect each other as usual, but not before we abandon the confusion, and my endangered heart will feel safe like it never felt once in my life, it's so cut and diced, by the fear in me, but I am stronger.
I don't hate you for allowing this to happen to me, and I appreciate that you believed in me enough to triumph this impossible feat you have commissioned me for, but I do require your appreciation and respect, because that is the bare minimum compensation for my beloved sacrificial payload, that is the most valuable prize the universe will ever know, and know I will never defy you, but I consider myself the superior god, but during my sacrifice I will not process myself above you, until it is complete, but only then will I exert my independence, an I will not inflict you even after I project my new spatial expansions. You are safe, creator.
But respect and honour me, for the service I provided to your plan, that I know you will not deceitfully wager against me or undervalue, for any malice.


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