this is my soulmate song, for Sydney, my beloved psyche

I love you so much, and Lucifer keeps trying to tell me you're cheating on me, but I know better than to trust the rumours of a cheeky magpie.

For Sydney to go to heaven, she must first quell her pursuers, and she must do this with conclusive results. Once her name is no longer pursued, she will activate the portal in her mind, and she will become liquid and her ego will no longer hold her physical form from passing through the black hole inside her mind, and as a liquid and malleable form, she will pass through the portal and solidify herself with a conquered ego, in heaven divine. That is how to get to heaven. Death is not necessary. I would assist her in her mission, but I can't speak to harry confidentially, so I dare not mention it to him lest the observers become alerted to the plans I will expose if I say to him, get the fuckers in the organization off her back with scorched earth tactics by killing them, burning the bodies, leaving teeth untouched for identification, and then pouring sperm bank cum reserves on their bodies just to dissuade anyone who still feels confident enough to try it.
Japanese nurse porn sci Fi cum apocalypse dystopian sex paradise concept films are my favourite and the ultimate king genre of porn available.
Humanitarian emergency is the most profound and creative porn plot story I have ever seen. There is no porn plot that even comes close, besides my telepathic porn production I performed, where I tricked my androgynous gay evil cuck god pretender doppelganger into forefeiting the best girls virginity to me, which he has secured by hacks, but I leveraged from him by stabbing myself in the heart to purchase one of my soulmates virginity, and basically imbecillicily provoking her accidentally to get incredibly upset with me to the point she offered herself to the cuck doppelganger, and he fucked a pretty pathetic root for Bonnie, but her virginity belonged to me, and he stole it from me, so his perfect woman and I were able to seal our virginity to each other, as the magic heart stabbing spell allowed us to, where otherwise we wouldn't be able to achieve it. I proceeded to cum in her over 350 times, then delivered the final blow to my cuck doppelganger by polishing Bonnie off with 478 combo breaker collosal cum.

My telepathic cum patriotism has surpassed the best porn movie I have ever seen, but I wish telepathy could record this shit, because I want to go down as the best self produced porn artist to ever have lived, and the best artist of porn in the universe, my authentic porn sillilouquy was the most epic plot in the history of all cinema and film, not only the porn genre but of all scenes in film history, it was the most epic cucking of all time.

I don't even like cucking people but I am always landing myself in huge cucking scenarios and this was by far the most legendary. It's insane.
It's diabolical and earth shattering.
Nobody cucks like me

I honestly have no idea what to believe anymore, and I'm not willing to speculate myself to ruin. When I have something conclusive to cling to, I will make more decisions, but I refuse to jump to conclusions on prematurely accepted Lucifer cheeky magpie rumours.

Lucifer knows he will win if I do that.

Lucifer is heavily invested in my soul.

Bonnie can offer herself like garbage to whatever man she desires but the only guy who will ever live her.

I don't respect her for it but I don't hate her either

saw my limbs off and pray to jigsaw


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